Recapturing Confidence: Rose

Rose has returned to diet counseling after having been away for two and a half months, dealing with a family crisis. She regained 5 of the 21 pounds she originally lost. She can’t wait to lose the 5 pounds again, predicting that she won’t feel good about herself until she does. We discussed with Rose that what shows up on the scale is just a number and that part of her feeling so good before was not only feeling thinner but also feeling confident and in control. We decided that it would be good for Rose to immediately recapture the confidence she had three months ago. We made a list of all the things she had been doing but is no longer doing, or no longer consistently doing.  In this spirit, Rose is going back to the basics. She has committed to reading her Advantages List and other response cards at least twice a day every day and she’s also going to go back and reread measuring1.jpgsections from The Beck Diet Solution.  Although she has returned to making food plans, this week she’s going to start measuring her food again to ensure that her portion size hasn’t crept up and she’s committed to at least a five minute walk every day.  Finally, Rose is going to try to give herself credit for all the dozens of small things she’s doing right every day to raise her awareness of how well she is doing. 

With these strategies in place, Rose is already feeling more confident and in control, even though she’s five pounds heavier. 


  1. You have no idea how important this article was for me today. I have also gained SEVEN pounds over the holiday. It’s very hard to look at that number and feel anything but negative. You have given me the incentive to try this new skill of feeling GOOD before I’ve recaptured the weight loss numbers. Today is a great day to celebrate my changing world.

  2. I agree with Theresa! I sailed along with the Beck Program from April 27, 2007 until I returned from vacation on September 10,2007. I have struggled ever since then getting back on track, and regained 7 of the 21.4 pounds I lost. It’s important to remember that each minute represents a new opportunity to react positively and get back on track!

  3. This is such a “mirror” of the way I’ve felt lately. I had surgery 7 weeks ago, and had regained 5 of my lost pounds. Despite knowing why I was having trouble w/ my weight (recovery time, swelling, lack of energy to do my regular exercise), that larger number on the scale was playing havoc with my self-esteem and sense of worth.

    Thanks for a reminder that the Beck techniques work EVERY TIME to get me back in control!

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